Thursday 7 March 2013

in my front cover i chose a close up intimidating shot like the pictures from vibes magazine that they use. i also used a variation in my fonts.

for my contents page i chose to add two of the different costumed pictures. I chose to challenge it as normaly you wouldnt find to decent sized pictures in the contents. i also chose to seperate pictures and text to make it clear and have 2 sections to the page.
This picture is used in my double page spread i chose this because the colours look good together and its a mid close up shot which works well in my double page spread. The clothing choice was good and i think it works well with the genre of the magazine.

 This is my final piece for my double page spread. the style modal help for my magazine has been from vibe mostly and some ideas from billboard. Im happy with the way its turned out if i could go back and change something i spend more time choosing my fonts to make them bolder in the right page.

Friday 25 January 2013

Taking my pictures yesturday evening was succesfull ill be posting a few soon

Thursday 24 January 2013

Thursday 24 th at 5.30pm im going to start getting my models ready and taking pictures ready for my magazine

Wednesday 23 January 2013

My Magazine Schedule for photo planning.

the first column isn't to be taken note of

Tuesday 22 January 2013

this is my rough plan for my page layout of my double spread.

All my pictures for my magazine are going to be taken on Thursday this week. location is schools photography studio. With a female and male involved. Im personally also going to be taking all the pictures and editing.

Monday 21 January 2013

this is my page layour for my contents page,
i wanted my celebraties to stand out there for a large section of this page is going to be of them and other magazine features kept to the right hand side.

 This is my front cover magazine plan for my music magazine. My magazine name is still undecided. 

The back colour for my front cover is going to be black 

text being a white/silver to stand out.

Thursday 17 January 2013

For my female model her clothes are going to be themed as to something the well known singer Beyonce would wear. Shes going to be dressed as a glam singer with her husband known and themed round Jay z the rapper and hip hop artist.

on her bottom half either be wearing wet look leggings for contents page or doule page spread:

shoes: a heel as shownin this photo or wedges.

sunglasses to be positioned on models head in contents page or double page spread 
a top or jacket in this style of material and pattern. 

make up ideas : 

contents page :  

something basic but quite bold and pretty. An even coloured face but with heavier dark eye make up to make her eyes stand out. 
double page spread:  
 heavy eye make up again with a sun kissed face glow with red lipstick. lips and eyes being key features on a face to stand out. Also against the white background.

hair ideas :  

 A slicked back look with a big bun on the back making facial features stand out. 
straight and down having a more casual look. 



Monday 14 January 2013

  For my front cover of my magazine im going to be using these pictures as style models. Keeping it plain, knee high up with a happy or serioues expression. 

Clothing :

 planning to have a very plain coloured standard outfit, but with big accesories and personal props for the pictures to give it that edge to match the personalitys.
Black skinny jeans with a lighter top
sunglasses and bracelets : possible hat
either a big hoodie zip up or jacket

 Location: against a plain white wall in there new house. (my house)

plain designer jeans (black):                                             designer top: black with colour or plain white.


 jacket idea:

Possible Props: hat/sunglasses/ jewelery(chains)
ive chosen these props because they are associated with hip hop and r&b music.


   contents page :
an image from the famous couple on the contents page aswell as the double page spread another photo of them both.
contents page more of a casual shot where as my double page spread is going to be more posed relating to the story line.

Costume for my double page spread is going to be more showey offey with pricier brands and more glamour outfits.



im going to be styling my two friends as a famous music couple who are announcing a big story line in the magazine. With the rapper on the front cover and singer and rapper on contents and double page spread.

the reason i chose the two specific people:
female, she is very into hip hop and r&b and has good fashion and can pull of a musical look and is very photogenic.

Male, he again looks like a hip hop artist, helping this also by his clothing and personality which hopefully could come across in the photos. Hes into the music and is fashionable and could be associated with this genre of music.

Thursday 10 January 2013


 This is an example of vibes double page spread with a very main focus on the hip hop artist T.I. A one a4 image of the star posing looking at the reader. His look is chilled with the title of summer T.IME including his singing name in the title which is clever. Its a big bold title and anyone who knows it T.I will notice immediatly what theyve done with the title. 
The white background gives it a very fresh look like summer. His clothes and the colours chosen all compramise one another. The text is all  kept on one page with the two different focuses. the article based on TI. Also includes the photographers name. Includes his new july album and talking about the summer preview.

 This double page spread from Blender magazine has a white background making everything stand out especially the group picture of black eyed peas. Will is in full colour and very eye catching, with his unusual outfit. The other members of the band have been discoloured and faded out blending more into the white background so there is a key focus on This tells us that this double page spread is about the band and somethings happening with 

with the picture over lapping into the right side of the page. Most of the text is kept on the right hand side giving the page a structure. With the big heading of ' will he wont he?' and a brief summary of what you can expect to read in the feature of blender magazine. The text which is highlighted in black has an importance in this page spread due to the topic of the black eyed peas.  
The costume is quite unusually chosen which could be to match there unusual characteristics. 

 XXLs double page spread on 50 cent and Soulja boy. Based on 50's tweet he sent at roughly 9:25 pm about leaving Soulja boy alone. Which could show they have a close friendship and almost as 50 cent acts as an older brother. 
the whole of the left side is taken up by the two of them. 50 cents in a very bland dark outfit standing very directly into the camera to give an intimidating agressive look . Soulja boy giving it a look of hes not scared with an attitude thats hes not bothered about what people say. 

 The double page spread is split into 50/50 image and text.Even though we know the article is linked to the picture however could be made clearer by text being brought into the picture. The colour scheme is very bland with colours white grey and darkish clothing. The big text above the stroy sums up what its related to.


Monday 7 January 2013

          Vibe Contents page:
 A very bland contents. Writing mostly kept to the right hand side of the page. Celeb artist involved is Kanye west who is an r&b artist which is the theme of vibe, with his very straight faced look and the black and white theme and the red heart held over his pocket in colour which is very eye catching on this page. A simular picture to this was on his album ocver and poeple who know the artist well could possible expect to see further infomation on Kanye West. With his straight direct look almost as if he is looking into the reader.  

Having a black and white theme makes the title stand out more.The features of that weeks magazine are highlighted down the right with what you can expect to see. This almost makes it easier to read as its located on one side.  The title is big and bold and in different sections to give it an edgy side. The capital V in the background tells you the magazine is vibe as its a well known established music magazine.


 Blender magazines contents page:
 Katy Perry in this picture from the contents, she has a very startled look staring directly into the camera and at the reader. the layout of the magazine is very minimilistic.

Big and bold heading which tells the reader clearly what page there observing. Part of the picture with Katy is covering the title which for me is more predominent. Most of the text is kept to a structure to the right hand of the page giving it a clean and crisp finish. The features are in a much smaller font which isnt as eye catching as the photo

The white background makes the heading stand out more as well as the blow up toad stool which gives the page a different alternative look. Which you could say that matches Katy Perrys personality as shes quirky and fun. The colour scheme used is white black and pinky reds.

 The bottom left of this page includes a quote from Katy Perry which can be seen as something personal. In this magazine issue as shes on the front cover and contents we know theres a huge focus on Katy Perry.

 XXL magazines contents page: 

The one image in this contents is of 50 cent and soulja boy who are positioned back to back looking into the camera as if they are looking at us the reader. The picture compliments the text ' if there was no 50 cent there would be no soulja boy' meaning 50 cent was the one to get soulja boy famous. Hense they are stood back to back. In a team sort of figure

The text kept to the left hand side of the page making it a more structured layout and all infomation in one place, easier for the reader to find specific detail. This contents page is very basic not only with the layout but also the colours used white black and red

Contents page has 7 sections with the page numbers along side, with brief subheading of what the features are about and what to expect.