Thursday 7 March 2013

in my front cover i chose a close up intimidating shot like the pictures from vibes magazine that they use. i also used a variation in my fonts.

for my contents page i chose to add two of the different costumed pictures. I chose to challenge it as normaly you wouldnt find to decent sized pictures in the contents. i also chose to seperate pictures and text to make it clear and have 2 sections to the page.
This picture is used in my double page spread i chose this because the colours look good together and its a mid close up shot which works well in my double page spread. The clothing choice was good and i think it works well with the genre of the magazine.

 This is my final piece for my double page spread. the style modal help for my magazine has been from vibe mostly and some ideas from billboard. Im happy with the way its turned out if i could go back and change something i spend more time choosing my fonts to make them bolder in the right page.

Friday 25 January 2013

Taking my pictures yesturday evening was succesfull ill be posting a few soon

Thursday 24 January 2013

Thursday 24 th at 5.30pm im going to start getting my models ready and taking pictures ready for my magazine

Wednesday 23 January 2013

My Magazine Schedule for photo planning.

the first column isn't to be taken note of

Tuesday 22 January 2013

this is my rough plan for my page layout of my double spread.

All my pictures for my magazine are going to be taken on Thursday this week. location is schools photography studio. With a female and male involved. Im personally also going to be taking all the pictures and editing.